Vegan Diets Effect on Aging

A well-maintained vegan diet can be beneficial to our health as we age and may help improve overall quality of life. Everything we consume has an effect on our bodies and it is especially important to eat healthy as we get older because a proper diet can help to minimize the symptoms of age related changes (Havala, 2000). By eliminating animal products vegans enjoy better health throughout their lifespan and also have the satisfaction of knowing their diet is less harmful to animals and the environment. Yet eating a vegan diet is a difficult commitment and it is easy for a vegan to miss proper nutrition if they fail to plan out their diet correctly. For those who do adopt this lifestyle their improved quality of life makes their choice well worth the extra effort and planning.

Veganism is similar to vegetarianism in that meat is excluded from the diet, however vegans go a step further and cut out all animal products. There are different reasons people adopt a vegan diet and thus different degrees to which the diet is followed. Some people follow a very casual vegan diet and occasionally indulge in meat or dairy. Those who do break the diet are likely only vegan for the health benefits, not because it has to do with their philosophy. However a strict vegan does not even eat honey, wear leather, or use products tested on animals. They might call themselves an ethical or lifestyle vegan because they extend the vegan philosophy into all areas of their life. There are also many people that consider themselves environmental vegans because they reject animal products on the basis that industrial farming of animals is unsustainable and damaging to the environment (Wikipedia, 2012). According to food writer J. Kenji Lopez-Alt (2012) “the fact that most vegans go vegan for reasons of mortality means that they are by definition going to feel better about themselves and we know that how you feel about yourself mentally can have a drastic impact on how you feel physically” (pg 1). Vegans who chose their lifestyle on strong philosophies will enjoy a great sense of satisfaction and well being throughout their lives from their sacrifice.

While reasons for adopting a vegan lifestyle differ depending on the individual it is increasingly clear that people who eat an appropriately planned vegan diet can improve their health. Many dairy and meat products are high in saturated fat and cholesterol and when eaten in abundance can lead to clogged arteries and other health problems.

By eliminating animal products and increasing consumption of whole foods vegans are generally consuming fewer calories and saturated fats. Their diets are usually higher in dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, and several antioxidant vitamins. All these factors translate to a decreased risk of heart disease, obesity, stroke, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer (Craig, 2003).

A vegan diet is increasingly beneficial for older people because as our bodies age our metabolisms slows and it is necessary to consume fewer calories. At the same time our bodies need for essential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and vitamin D and B12 can increase. When this happens it becomes vitally important for seniors to refrain from unnecessary calories and saturated fats and eat a nutritious diet to get all the vitamins needed for good health (Havala 2000). Many seniors credit their good health and long lives to their vegan diet, including centenarian Loreen Dinwiddie, who turned 108 last year. She became a vegan 89 years ago in order to maintain good health and she claims her diet “has been instrumental at keeping her feeling youthful and wonderful all these years” (KGW News, 2011).

While the vegan diet can cause several health benefits, it can likewise have severe consequences if the diet is not properly maintained. I know firsthand how easy it is to eat vegan but not actually eat healthy and nutritional foods. It did not take me long after adopting a vegan diet to discover junk food like vegan chocolate cake and non-dairy ice cream. Vegans have to be extra careful that they are eating the right foods because by excluding meat and dairy they are limiting their sources of important nourishment such as protein and calcium. This is not at all to say it is the absence of animal products that cause deficiencies in the nutrition of vegans, it is simply inadequate meal planning (Kovacs, 2012). It is a good idea for a vegan to consult a nutritionist to ensure they know which foods or supplements they need to include in their diet to ensure they can enjoy optimal health and quality of life.

The vegan population still remains relatively small but as people are gaining more knowledge about the philosophy and benefits of this kind of diet it has been gaining more popularity. In a poll taken last year Americans who have adopted a vegan diet has grown to 2.5 percent (Hyams, 2012). By removing animal products from their diet vegans gain several health benefits including extended longevity. They also have the pleasure of knowing that they are helping protect animals and the environment. Whether a vegan is motivated by ethics or health one thing is clear, they will experience an improved quality of life well into old age.


(2011, February 14). 108 Year Old Loreen Dinwiddie. Oregon. KGW News.

Craig, W. (2003). Vegan Diets: The Pros and Cons.

Retrieved from

Havala, S. (2000, August 20). A Senior’s Guide To Good Nutrition.

Retrieved from

Hymas, L. (2012). How many of us are vegetarian or vegan?

Retrieved from

Kenji Lopez-Alt, J. (2012, Jan 13). The Vegan Experience.

Retrieved from     0.html

Kovacus, B. (2012). Vegetarian and Vegan Diet.

Retrieved from


Wikipedia. (2012, October 7). Veganism.

Retrieved from


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1 Response to Vegan Diets Effect on Aging

  1. nsuric says:

    The subject of your post was very interesting to me. I did not know about the different types of vegans and that strict vegans can not even eat honey! I also like that instead of just simply preaching about veganism, you added the downside of the restrictive diet concerning adequate nutrition. With other diets, such as the “paleo diet”, I was concerned about receiving the proper amount of nutrition. However, your recommendation to speak with a nutritionist is a very good suggestion. I have known that a vegan or vegetarian diet have some health benefits, but I was not aware of the extent of the health benefits. The amount of health benefits that a vegan diet has was very surprising to me. Additionally, the psychological benefits to a vegan diet are also surprising to me. For an elderly person mental health is very important and knowing that their diet does not have a major impact on the environment probably does make them happier.

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